6 Mindset Changes to Unlock Your Creativity and Reach Your Goals

Hurdles and obstacles are constant whenever we choose to pursue something bold and remarkable. Whether it's starting a business, working on a large project, or moving to a different country, you will face possibilities and challenges that will press you into making some pretty big decisions.
How you approach these situations determines the overall outcome, and this is usually determined by the kind of mindset you have.
With the right mindset in place, you're well on your way to growth and success. On the flip side, a negative mindset would always convince you to turn away from opportunities, make excuses, and live on the sidelines.
Knowing how difficult changing one's mindset can be, you can take small steps to changing your perspectives about life and work. If you think that your current mindset, behavior, and outlook aren't moving you forward, these small but significant changes can make you a better leader/worker/entrepreneur.
Here are 6 mindset tweaks to unlock your creativity and pursue your goals.
1. "Why not?"
“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.” — Pablo Picasso
3D printing has been around since the 1980's and is typically used by large manufacturing companies. Today, initiatives have brought the 3D printer to consumers and smaller companies at affordable prices, which enabled people to create innovative products, such as 3D printed clothing, shoes, home and office wares, decor, and art.
All this wouldn't have been possible had no one tried to tinker and push the idea forward. In fact, some of the world's greatest inventions and achievements were born out of a person's courage to turn a dream into a reality.
It starts by removing limitations and broadening one's perspective.
Asking yourself, "Why not?" enables you to look at an idea from all angles and discover opportunities you haven't considered yet. It empowers you to unleash your creativity and push the limits of your imagination.
2. "I'll ask for help."
Bestselling authors, world-renowned celebrities, famous performers, and multimillion-dollar entrepreneurs are loved and revered for their success stories. But behind these successes are family, friends, connections, business partners, staff, and crew that play significant roles in the background.
If you're stuck, unsure, or doubtful at any point in your life and/or career, having the courage to ask for help can make a huge difference. You not only get to tap into other people's skills and talents, but you build lasting relationships with people who support the work that you do.
3. "It's okay to make mistakes. I'm learning from them."
As flawed human beings, we are bound to make mistakes.
What separates the professionals from the amateurs though is how one accepts and addresses his or her mistakes.
A professional sees mistakes as opportunities to grow, rebuild relationships, and learn. S/he becomes braver, wiser, and smarter in the process. An amateur makes excuses, procrastinates, and doesn't take action for fear of making mistakes.
4. "Problems are stepping stones."
We often see problems, challenges, and failures as sign boards telling us to stop and quit. What we don't realize is that these are stepping stones to more knowledge, a stronger business, and a better you. Treat them as valuable lessons that will mold you physically, mentally, and emotionally.
5. "Rejection is simply a 'not yet'."
In this #ThinkStories video by Lenovo Thinkpad, comic artist Ryan North shared some really inspiring pieces of advice for fellow artists and creatives. At 1:30 into the video he says, "When you hear a 'no' you should really be hearing that as a 'not yet'."
This changes rejection into an opportunity instead of a painful experience. A 'not yet' means you have a second chance to improve, gain experience, test other styles or methods, and try again.
6. "Done is better than perfect."
Minutes before releasing your latest work, a huge wall rises up between you and your audience. It speaks to you: "Your work isn't ready. It doesn't match your vision perfectly. What will other people say?"
You suddenly freeze in place, unsure if you should push through with the release or tuck your work back in. Suddenly, all that hard work you've put into the project is for naught.
Here's the hard truth: striving for perfect is a lost cause. It's finishing the project and releasing your work that will take you one step closer to reaching your goals.
So each time you feel the urge to retreat out of fear and self-doubt, stop and remember that DONE is and will always be better than a "perfect."
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